Friday, March 25, 2011

Awkwardness and Lady Gaga

So I was watching that new Lady Gaga video "Born this way'' and at some parts it just seemed kind of weird and off putting but then it suddenly gets beautiful. Now I have allot of respect for Lady Gaga as an artist I find there is an uncommon depth and sophistication in her work, while at the same time primal and simplicity.

Anyways like I said there where parts of the video that just felt awkward but through out the song that awkwardness was resolved. Afterwards I could see the beauty.

I took this as a metaphor for coming out or any deep life change for that matter. In the beginning it is awkward and confusing but as you learn as you grow it becomes beautiful. At the beginning you are kind of just running with out a guideline and nothing has prepared you for what you are going though. And in life that is always awkward and hard. It is easy to judge someone before they have completed their task.

But the very reality is they are in the process of improving and end they should they stay the course they will emerge beautiful.

And that my friend is worth celebrating!

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